Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Holiday Lights

Last night we took Emily (and Koda) to see the Capital Holiday Lights in the Park. We weren't sure if she would like it or what she would be able to see, but we thought we'd give it a try. Well the results are in and she LOVED IT!!! Her little arms and legs were moving the whole time. She was trying to point and call out names to everything she saw. The lights really were great. I had never been before, but I will definately go again. At the end near the Lake House they had a people dressed up as Elmo (Mo Mo), Tigger and Pooh. She nearly had a stroke! They were walking right by the car window and waving to her. A good time was had by all!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Christmas Candy

Anyone who knows my dog, Koda, will not be surprised by this story. Wednesday I had bought some Christmas candy to bring into work. It was nothing special just some chocolate miniatures in holiday colors. I left them in the middle of the dining room table, thinking they would be safe until next week. Well I got home from work before Chris and Emily today and Koda was under the kitchen table (a sure sign that he has done wrong!) He had eaten the WHOLE bag of candy...wrappers and all! I gave him a few bowls of water and some food, so we are just waiting for the effects...if any. Never a dull moment!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Christmas Card

Well, we tried (again this year) to take a picture of Emily for our Christmas cards. We thought that we also might get a chance to get a picture of her with Koda and make it a "brother and sister" card, but no such luck. When Koda went left, Emily went right. When Emily looked at the camera, Koda looked away. It was a mess! Anyway, I'm not going to reveal which picture actually made it on to the card, but here are some of the funny runners up....Enjoy!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I have been so bad a picutres, video, Emily's baby book and other "memorial things" that I figured I would give the latest craze of blogging a try. I figure something has to stick!